ABC board: explore Briki MBC capabilities

Briki ABC | Meteca

In the last few editions, we introduced you to the world of IoT, and its numerous applications, and to Meteca, the ground-breaking company from the Ticino region which created the Briki MBC® module. We told you how this product can be easily and quickly integrated into the world of both large and small businesses, but now it’s time to introduce you to the perfect tool to enhance the MBC module, which allows you to deepen and appreciate all its features: the ABC board.

The Briki® Advanced Board Carrier (ABC) dedicated to expert makers and developers, has been designed to be a real evaluation kit of the MBC module, and the fastest way to use it in application development. 

Made on the basis of the classic Arduino form-factor, compatible with the Shields and the Arduino language to allow an easier combination with the ecosystem of the makers, the ABC circuit board represents the typical out-of-the-box experience: it contains a selection of high-quality sensors and actuators, for example a microphone, an IMU (Inertial unit of measurement) which detects movement in space on 6 axes, a sensor that recognises hand gestures and a Neopixel LED. A slot for inserting a micro-SD memory card is also added to this. Furthermore, thanks to six Grove connectors, for interfacing with the Grove family of sensors from Seed Studio, it allows an infinite number of sensors and actuators already present on the market to be connected to the MBC. These have been widely documented both in terms of code and hardware. 

The immediate availability of examples that have already been made means a saving of time and resources in research and development when you decide to use Briki MBC for your own project on either a small or large scale.  

Briki ABC board allows you to improve the possibilities of use of the Briki MBC Module, always following the aim to create a bridge from industry to makers, able to satisfy further design and development needs that a customer can face. ABC board is characterized from the same ease and flexibility of use of the Arduino board, as well as Briki MBC, with which makers are accustomed to use, but which subsequently reduces the certification and market introduction needs.

Briki MBC® and the ABC board are the perfect companions to develop any idea in the field of IoT, allowing the industry to reduce the longtime scales and large expenses for research and development using an innovative technology and the experience of the world of makers. For further information on the world of the IoT we invite you to contact us here at Meteca.

More information about the product on the Website