Briki Developer kit | Meteca

Briki MBC-WB
Development Kit

Briki development kit | Meteca

Briki MBC-WB
Development Kit

Briki development kit | Meteca

Briki MBC-WB
Development Kit


Would you like to try the MBC-WB in your project?
Test it through the Development Kit.

Wi-Fi & Bluetooth device plus a dedicated control MCU with the Briki MBC

Rich set of embedded sensors on-board to experiment with the Briki ABC

All the MBC’s pins exposed to speed up firmware development with Briki DBC


The Kit includes:

  • 1x MBC-WB Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Module
  • 1x ABC Advanced Carrier Board with MBC Module included
  • 1x DBC Debugger Carrier Board with MBC Module included
  • One-to-one web conference with our team of experts

Contact us to request this product!



Briki MBC-WB
Wi-Fi & Bluetooth device

Briki ABC
Advanced Board Carrier

Briki DBC
Debugger Board Carrier